About me // À mon sujet

Iris versicolor

Iris versicolores, emblème floral officiel du Québec. Wild blue irises, Québec’s official floral emblem. 

Source de la photo / Source of the photograph: http://www.drapeau.gouv.qc.ca/emblemes/emblemes.html


Je suis Québécoise.

Le français est ma langue maternelle. And English, almost my other mother tongue. ¿Español? Escribo y hablo muy mal pero leí bien.

Je ne suis ni fédéraliste à tout prix, ni séparatiste (un mot souvent utilisé comme une insulte, malheureusement) à tout prix. Je fuis autant que possible les positions qui ne sont pas basées sur des faits. Parfois les faits sont difficiles à connaître ou sujets à interprétation. En ce moment la souveraineté du Québec n’est pas très populaire chez les Québécois. J’aimerais qu’on tienne compte de la volonté des gens – ce que les fanatiques ne sont pas prêts à faire, ils veulent imposer leur vision.

Canada and Canadians are not my enemies. I am Canadian, at least for the time being. As long as it lasts, we should work as a team.

Too many people thrive, get elected and make money (not necessarily in that order!) because of chicanery, divisions, wedge issues, etc.

If you are going to vomit on Québec, call Québécois parasites, say that we are lazy, tribal, racists, etc.  – in short, rehash a certain discourse one has been seeing all too often in the media since the 1960s and that is very seldom challenged, neither put in perspective – I am going to give you a hard time. Because, generally speaking, those accusations are false, except for the people who are racist and whom I disown.

I am prochoice. There is nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind.

Je suis progressiste, féministe, pro droits de la personne, y compris ceux des GBLTQIA, des réfugiés et des minorités dont les Premiers Peuples.

I like progressives all over Canada and all over the world. I am a social-democrat but not tied for life to any one party. I may support one in an election and another in another election. But one thing I will never do is support the « Conservative Party of Canada » (IMO, a misnomer, but more on this another day).

I am sex-positive.

Je n’aime pas les drettistes. The further right you are the less I love you.

When I grow up I want to be a literary translator, to write a book and maybe, maybe, maybe get another degree. (I am working on my application.) If I have time. If I have money.

I have spiritual beliefs but I do not impose them on others. I do not practice any organized religion. I draw from many traditions. I am a seeker. If you have to put a label on me, you could say I am a Pagan and Unitarian Universalist who is also very interested in Hinduism, Buddhism and First Nations’ spiritualities. I am a former Christian who respects  non-Fundamentalists. And I studied Christian theology, so be prepared for an argument :).

As far as genealogy is concerned, I am mixture of many things. On my father’s side, my ancestor is a British Navy deserter who jumped ship in 1829 at Île d’Orléans and married a local girl. I saw the entry in the Saint-Pierre-de l’Île-d’Orléans Catholic registry (he was Anglican but converted.)

On my mother’s side, I have not had the chance to dig very far.

This is my position on First Nations:

I am an ally

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