So there’s an orange alert in the States, eh? Oh boy I am so scared. ^NOT.


Let us conduct a little thought experiment.

Let’s say we are little birds on the windowsill, watching a NSA upper management meeting.

Someone makes a presentation. They have found a way to track EVERYTHING people do: what they buy in stores, which TV shows they watch, where they go with their car or simply with their cellphone. They can read the email, listen to the conversations, etc.

Do you think someone around that table is going to get up and say « This is illegal »?

First of all, the secret services around the world have been doing illegal things for years (even law enforcement does it!). So they don’t care if it’s legal or not.

Secondly, do you really think someone is going to risk becoming a suspect by saying « I don’t agree with this »? If it’s not the head honcho, no one will say a word. They don’t care and they are well paid.

Thirdly, organizations (bureaucracies) have a tendency to perpetuate themselves.

Finally, if a tool is available, it’s certain they will use it. Remember when income tax was supposed to be « temporary », « for the war »?

And there’s nothing like an orange alert level to convince some people that they have too much freedom and they should give it away for security. But as Benjamin Franklin said, they deserve neither.



Why do some people vote against their own best interests?

Or, if you wish, The mystery of the Tea Party

This is a topic I am really interested in. I don’t have time to write a lot about it now, but here is a series of very interesting articles I found on the Internet.

In particular, these articles contain a series of maps which allow us to understand how education gaps shape the political viewpoint of people. They are particularly interesting when taken together and superposed.

There is also an interaction between low education and a tendency to have racist ideas:

A snapshot of the world poor people live in:

Nov. 9, 2012: corrected a few typos.
Nov. 20. 2012: added Daily Mail link.

Dear Senator McCain

Dear Senator Mc Cain,

I am Canadian (and English is a second language to me) but I want to bring to your attention the increasingly hateful discourse about the current Administration and President Obama in particular. It is getting downright scary. The Republican Party you love is losing its moderate voters fast because of the hateful departures from reality spread by right-wing bloggers and talk radio hosts, not to mention certain cable TV pundits (I am sure you know who I mean). I do not want to include an hyperlink in this message (it might be considered a security breach) but I beg you to read Frank Rich’s op-ed column in June 13th’s « New York Times », the piece is titled « The Obama Haters’ Silent Enablers« .

Debate is getting irrational, some lone gunmen have reacted to the ambient hate and yet the untruths get piled up more every day. You showed on election night that you know what is right, that you are loyal to your country even in defeat. You are widely respected. Please do not let Colin Powell be alone in calling on the carpet the liars and racists and « birthers » who spread untruths. I am counting on you to protect the honour of your beautiful country and the party of Lincoln. You have nothing to lose but you can make a big difference in your country’s future if you speak up now.


Publié dans Barack Obama, Politique américaine. Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , . Commentaires fermés sur Dear Senator McCain

Des affiches magnifiques inspirées par Barack Obama

Poster réalisé par Jason Urban

Poster réalisé par Jason Urban

Des artistes sont inspirés par les élections américaines et en particulier par le grand vent d’espoir qui se lève avec le sénateur d’Illinois, M. Barack Obama.

Certaines de ces œuvres sont appelées à devenir, d’après moi, de grands classiques des arts visuels, au même titre que les affiches d’Andy Warhol ou le célèbre poster de Che Guevara.

C’est à voir ici. Vous devrez peut-être tronquer l’adresse et naviguer dans les menus du site pour voir les affiches, mais je n’y peux rien.

Publié dans Arts, Médias progressistes, Politique américaine, Vu et lu sur la toile. Étiquettes : , , , , . Commentaires fermés sur Des affiches magnifiques inspirées par Barack Obama