The conservative media will go from success to success… but not the GOP

People are making the point that the far-right shock jocks and alternate-reality media have punctured big holes in the Republican Party’s credibility.

And the Tea Party loonies finished the job.

Karl Rove’s alternate reality bit him where he sits. His petulant belief (source: Wikipedia)

Reality-based community is an informal term in the United States. In the fall of 2004, the phrase « proud member of the reality-based community » was first used to suggest the commentator’s opinions are based more on observation than on faith, assumption, or ideology. The term has been defined as people who « believe that solutions emerge from judicious study of discernible reality. » Some commentators have gone as far as to suggest that there is an overarching conflict in society between the reality-based community and the « faith-based community » as a whole. It can be seen as an example of political framing.

The source of the term is a quotation in an October 17, 2004, The New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush (later attributed to Karl Rove[1]):

The aide said that guys like me were « in what we call the reality-based community, » which he defined as people who « believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. » … « That’s not the way the world really works anymore, » he continued. « We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do. »[2]

has a price tag of 300 million dollars…

Good reads on this topic:

Other people who live in a fantasy world are cult members, Dominionists, Evangelicals, etc., a demographic that overlaps partly with the Right in the U.S. and especially the Tea Party:

Publié dans Élections, Barack Obama, Capitalism, Désinformation et propagande, Democracy, Economy, La drette, Néoconservatisme, Néolibéralisme, Political Philosophy, Religious Right. Étiquettes : , , , , , . Commentaires fermés sur The conservative media will go from success to success… but not the GOP

Dear Senator McCain

Dear Senator Mc Cain,

I am Canadian (and English is a second language to me) but I want to bring to your attention the increasingly hateful discourse about the current Administration and President Obama in particular. It is getting downright scary. The Republican Party you love is losing its moderate voters fast because of the hateful departures from reality spread by right-wing bloggers and talk radio hosts, not to mention certain cable TV pundits (I am sure you know who I mean). I do not want to include an hyperlink in this message (it might be considered a security breach) but I beg you to read Frank Rich’s op-ed column in June 13th’s « New York Times », the piece is titled « The Obama Haters’ Silent Enablers« .

Debate is getting irrational, some lone gunmen have reacted to the ambient hate and yet the untruths get piled up more every day. You showed on election night that you know what is right, that you are loyal to your country even in defeat. You are widely respected. Please do not let Colin Powell be alone in calling on the carpet the liars and racists and « birthers » who spread untruths. I am counting on you to protect the honour of your beautiful country and the party of Lincoln. You have nothing to lose but you can make a big difference in your country’s future if you speak up now.


Publié dans Barack Obama, Politique américaine. Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , . Commentaires fermés sur Dear Senator McCain

Open letter to the Chairman of the Republican National Convention, Mr. Mike Duncan

Mr. Chairman,
I am a Canadian citizen and a fan of all things American. I watch the news every day. I have visited your magnificent country many times.
I admire the innovation spirit, entrepreneurship and courage of Americans. Your is a great democracy, a beacon of freedom for other nations. 
Or rather, it was.
Americans used to be able to differ in their opinions peaceably, respect others and work together nevertheless. You invented the concept of bipartisanship.

But lately, I have seen in the news things that really scare me. When Governor Palin mentioned the name of Senator Obama, the Democratic Presidential nominee, during a speech, some people booed (which is okay, because after all it is a partisan gathering). But what sent a cold shiver up my spine was the voices that yelled : KILL HIM!
This is clearly unacceptable and not worthy of the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower (a man I admire very much), who fought so that the racist, hateful forces of the Third Reich could not take over the world. The Nazis blamed the Jews for everything. Are the Republicans enroute to blaming Mr. Obama for everything? Whatever happened to respect for your opponent and fait rules of engagement?

It is tempting when the economy is in tatters, to find an easy scapegoat — the stranger, the one who is ‘not like us.’ It is easy to attributer all woes to « that one » who is no longer a person, but a target for hatred. If someone in the RNC does not stand up very soon and say « This is out of character and we reject that », your credibility in the eyes of the world will dip to new lows.

Time is running out. You must act now. Don’t wait until someone tries to do exactly what was suggested. The world would hold you accountable for that.




There are too many people in the world nowadays who like to paint the Americans as morons, insensitive, greedy racists and ignorant people. Do yourself, your party and your country a favour : PROVE THEM WRONG.
Enough is enough.
Ya basta.

Videos of the hate incidents – Vidéos des propos haineux – Vídeos de las observaciones rencorosas

Please write to Mr. Duncan and ask him to act. You can copy this message, or send your own.

RNC Website

Veuillez écrire à M. Duncan et lui demander d’agir. Vous pouvez copier le message ci-dessus, ou envoyer votre propre texte.

Quiere escribir al Sr. Duncan y pedirle d’actuar. Puede copiar el mensaje aquí arriba, o enviar su propio texto.
Publié dans Droits de la personne, Politique américaine, Politique internationale, Société. Étiquettes : , , , , , , , . Commentaires fermés sur Open letter to the Chairman of the Republican National Convention, Mr. Mike Duncan